Friday, September 5, 2008

Sept. 5th, 2008

It's been a long time since I've written here. I've got several exciting things going on right now. I'm just in the process of releasing 3 new albums in my Healing Series. They are AMBROSIA, WALK IN BEAUTY and CLOUD HANDS. They are Volumes 3, 4 and 5 of the series that ESSENCE is VOl. 1 and COMPASSION is VOl. 2. I'm very excited about this frankly because these are really great albums. Plus the packaging of these new CDs is just gorgeous! Really happy with how they all turned out. Please read about them on CD Baby and for now. In a few weeks I'm going to have my new website up and it will have ALL the info on those records including just TONS of other things. My new site will have lots of VIDEOS to watch, MP3's to listen to, contests to win free CD's, free MP3 downloads, photos and LOTS more. I'm VERY excited about it. You'll have to check back in the next few weeks to see when it's up.

Lately I've been tuning back into Mother Earth in a big way. She's kind of hard to ignore actually . . . But I'm experiencing a renewed surge of attention towards the preservation and protection of our earth. I'm giving a percentage of net proceeds from my new albums to environmental organizations. The CD's are all packaged in recycled paper digipaks. No plastic!! And I'm looking for Environmental groups to hook up with to do some good work together. Not sure what form it'll take but I'm looking and thinking about it. I'm very interested in the natural state of our environment and of our Selves. How do we get back there?

ALSO, my record with DOMINIC MILLER is almost ready. It's being manufactured right now and will be released in October. It's an enhanced CD with two videos, photos and other STUFF. My friend Kenny Loggins layed down some wonderful vocal pads on 4 songs and my new friend, Jaques Morelenbaum from Brazil played some really inspired cello on several of the songs. I LOVE THIS RECORD!!! You'll see and here all about it when my new website is up in a few weeks. Plus I'll write more about it in my next blog.

I'm going to keep this blog kind of short because I'm going to write another one for the GRAND OPENING of my new website very soon that'll have all my latest news. In the meantime, I just wanted to say that there are some great things to come.

Stay tuned . . .

All the best,


  1. I am a fairly new fan and am very excited to hear more of your music! Do you ever tour?

  2. I am glad to be hearing more from you. I look forward to hearing you when you come to Tucson. I enjoy your music and so do my clients. Now I can keep up with the latest and greatest. Great that you are connecting with the earth.

  3. I am truly excited and impressed with your web site. Thank you for bringing your music to us through it and gifting us with the downloads. I first heard you at Unity of Walnut Creek and I hope you'll be back in the Bay Area this winter. As a musician your continuing journey into the alternative realm is like a waterfall cascading into my life.

  4. At Heaven's Gate creates a new memory to my Toronto visit with the sun rising and morning awakening, quickly becoming a day of machine rhythms. Your music somehow activates me for hearing the melodies, harmonies and percussion around me. Mmmmmm.
